Lodge St.John Crofthead Fauldhouse No. 374
RWM Bro Colin Millar
I send warm and fraternal greetings from myself, Past Masters, Office Bearers, and members of Lodge St John Crofthead, Fauldhouse, No.374, and welcome you to the lodge's website and hope that your visit is one of both profit and pleasure.
I would firstly like to thank the brethren of Lodge St John Crofthead, Fauldhouse, No.374 for their support and electing me as Master for the year 2023-2024. It is a great honour to lead the lodge for the year ahead, as we enter our 167th year. I am extremely privileged to have an excellent group of office bearers to support me throughout my term as Master.
It has been some 22 years since I was first installed into the chair of King Solomon, in my Mother Lodge, on Friday 15th December 2000, and I am just as nervous, and excited looking forward for the ensuing 12 months, as I was back then.
Our Annual Installation was very well attended by various lodges from within and out with the Province of Linlithgowshire, and It is my intention to attend all the lodges that were present at the installation at some point over the coming year.
Our Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday’s, from September through to April (7.30pm Tyle), with the exception of our Annual Provincial visitation on the second Thursday in September (7.00pm Tyle), and our Annual Installation on the fourth Saturday in March (2.00pm Tyle), and all brethren in good standing are most welcome to attend.
This website is designed to provide information about the Lodge and Freemasonry in general. A brief retrospect of the lodge has been compiled by PM Bro. James B. Gilmour, which you can find on the Lodge home page.
Please look through our web page and feel free to ask any questions you have about the Lodge itself or Freemasonry in general via the “Contact Us” tab.
I hope you enjoy the content and hopefully we will see you at a meeting soon.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Right Worshipful Master Bro Colin S. Millar PM